Wednesday 9 March 2016

An inspiring leader to remember

Sometimes I forgot that there are great examples of leadership all around us. Today, whilst scrolling through my Fb feed I saw a video of Bernie Sanders. I watched and shared it, adding that he is the type of leader that is inspiring to me. It can be hard at times to see the silver linings in politics or governments. How often can we call a political leader an inspiration. Someone we can look up to or even a role model for the next generation. How relevant based on the results of #GE16 and fractured voting by people.

Whilst having my hair cut on Capel St, where I now reside, the barber asked me my address and he told that it was the home at one stage for Sean Lemass. As for the accuracy of this I can't substantiate. Anyway, it intrigued me enough to make me want to know a little more about this name, I know so well, although so little of.

On a trip to the GPO to pick up a stamp, I took a breakfast stop in the new Cocobo cafe next door and decided I will do my research. What can I say? Knowing the background behind this man is the reason I am now typing this blog post sitting here after that breakfast. What an inspiring leader Sean Lemass was. In learning about his history I have learnt also so much about our wonderful country and what it has being through for the past 100 years. He has thought me about the founding of the political party Fianna Fail. The long journey of Ireland out of depression and into the light. And so much is due to Sean Lemass and the people that surrounded him.

I have a new role model to learn from and take courage from. Perhaps even something I can use in my way of doing business. A lesson of resilience and persistence. A passionate man that lived a full life and proactively made a difference to the world he lived in. Taking his duty seriously to serve a bigger idea than himself. Thank you Sean for being an inspiration in the world. We need more like you.

Here is the article on Sean Lemass from Wikipedia that I read

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