Tuesday 12 January 2016

It's our light not our darkness...

Standing at the funeral graveside of a friends mum today, it struck me at the amount of love flowing forward from those that stood deeply grieving the loss of someone that they loved unconditionally. Many times in my life I have heard people say how they'd like to see or experience their own funeral. Today it was so obvious that this person who has moved on has had an enormous effect upon those around her in her life. Her light shone so bright and touched many in such a deeply powerful way. I wonder did she realise this.

It baffles me how so many people, me included at times, spend so much of our lives finding fault with ourselves. We seem to be drawn to look at our own shadows out of some fear over what we might see were we to look into the light. It is easier for us to search around in the grunge and murkiness and use this as the fuel to our self image. Once we have our fill we then walk around attracting this same energy and then wonder why our lives are so challenging and difficult. We distract ourselves by playing the blame gain, rather than realising that we are the creation of our own reality.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,talented and fabulous?

For me personally, I refer to it as the Prairie dog syndrome. I consider myself fortunate to be quite a positive person day-to-day. Most days I bound out of bed at my life that awaits me. I am enriched by the colours, smells and wonderment of the moments. The smell of coffee. The glint in other peoples eyes throughout the day. The weeds growing from the top of chimney pots on the roofs as I walk to work. Life truly is a magical thing. My feeling of self. Nevertheless, weeks or months pass by and it is like I have being carried by a tornado to a distant time and dropped back down to now. So, the prairie dog pops his head back out and breathes in the utter joy of life again. Although why do I feel the need to forget this nourishing and tasty reality? This love of self and what that brings with it. Do I believe I don't deserve it. Or perhaps as Marianne Williamson puts it, "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

Now, imagine for one moment a new reality. Powerful beyond all measure. By letting our own light shine freeing others from fear so that they can shine. Imagine a world with more light. Light that spreads and grows and takes people out of their prairie dog holes. One where you can see the good you deserve and attract all this good towards you. Being an inspiration in this sometimes cloudy world. When the New Year turned this was my promise to Sam. For Personal Mastery. To shine love on myself in mind, body and heart so I can be fit to shine as bright as possible. I feel it is my responsibility and one that I am more than willing to accept in this life I have.

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